Quranic Code of Conduct – A Guide to Etiquette of the Quran (eBook)

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Author: Hammad Khan

Pages: 55


This book covers the manners that a Muslim should observe when reciting and handling the Glorious Quran. The key feature which separates it from all other works previously published in this area is that, all the etiquette discussed are strictly derived from the Quran and Authentic Sunnah. Some of the topics covered in this book include opportune times for recitation, manners of recitation and handling of the Quran, plus a variety of other issues that every Muslim should be aware of. It also deals with many misconceptions surrounding the treatment of the Quran. To attain the utmost benefit from the Noble Quran, this book should be treated as a constant companion of the Quran and should be in every house that contains the Quran.


Author Introduction


Hammad Ali Khan was born in a Muslim family and even though he always considered himself somewhat practicing Muslim, he never really took the time to understand the Perfect Deen of Islam. All that changed in year 2011 when Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala guided him through His Mercy (with the help of Hammad’s sister) to the right path. Thus, began Hammad’s journey back to the True Deen preserved in the Quran and Authentic Sunnah.


To clear his head of all the years of information that he was fed in the name of Islam (some of it being true and most being just stories), Hammad wanted to undertake an in-depth study of the Quran and Authentic Sunnah. Being the Most Merciful, Allah enabled him to find International Open University (IOU) from where he completed the Diploma in Islamic Studies in Year 2013 followed by Higher Diploma in Islamic Studies (2016). In year 2019, Hammad attained his Master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the same university.


In his spare time, Hammad likes to dig deep into various Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh-related) issues, so they can be dealt with in the light of Quran and Authentic Sunnah. He runs a blog where he shares his research, which you can visit at: backtofoundation.wordpress.com


Copyright Note:


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This is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) free book which the buyer may store in multiple devices for personal use only. Sharing and redistributing the book is forbidden.

  1. Qasim waliyyullah Olawale

    May Allaah bless IOU for always being dynamic.

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