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A Brief History of Education in The Gambia


Pages: 128

Education is the brain of every society. No nation can progress without a sound and effective education system. The Muslim Ummah has a very colourful history of development, which was mainly rooted in the excellence of their education system. Sadly, in the colonial era, the Muslim educational system faced eclipse for several reasons.

It is noteworthy that Africa has been suffering from foreign occupation for a longer time among all continents. With time and due to independence movements, many African countries got political
independence. However, a sound educational system is imperative for enjoying complete autonomy.

Without tracing the roots of the previous system and analysing its various dimensions, achieving the objective of developing a sound educational system is hardly possible. And for that analysis, original, authentic, and reliable sources are a must. The book in hand: A Brief History of Education in The Gambia is one such document produced by Dr Cherno Omar Barry. He is a researcher, philosopher, and a reputed educationist in The Gambia.

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ILM AN-NAFS – Science of the Soul: Themes in Islamic Psychology by Professor Dr. G. Hussein Rassool (E-Book)



Pages: 174


Implicit in the title of the book is an exploration of the themes of the Science of the Soul, better known as Islamic Psychology. Human nature and the process of behaviour and emotions are inherent holistic processes that integrate the physical. psychological, social and spiritual dimensions. Accordingly, the Islamic nature of the human being is whole, comprehensive and complete according to the Qur’ān and Sunnah. In essence, “Islam provides a balanced focus between universal principles of human behaviours (with its universal laws and Shar’iah or divine laws) and individual differences. The universal laws may include biological, social, psychological and economic dimensions based on empirical research. The Qur’ān and Hadith provide guidance and basis to the laws of human nature. These laws can be used as the foundation to develop theories about human nature based upon the writings of Muslim scholars and contemporary research findings.”

The concept of this book, reflected in the context and scope, attempts to address some themes in Islamic psychology and focuses the evolution of Islamic Psychology, the development of the science of the soul from classical Islamic scholars to contemporary thinkers. It examines the concepts of the Fitrah, nature and nurture, the Nafs (Soul), the Aql (Intellect), the Qalb (Heart) and Ibn al-Qayyim’s types of hearts. Other themes include models and approaches in Islamic psychology, spiritual motivation, spiritual capital, ethical intelligence, Tawbah and the process of change, learning theories and spiritual modelling: an Islamic perspective, altruistic or helping behaviour, obsessive-compulsive disorder and scrupulosity: spiritual or pathological?, de-colonising psychotherapy and counselling, and religious coping in an Islamic context.


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This is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) free book which the buyer may store in multiple devices for personal use only. Sharing and redistributing the book is forbidden.

Writing Theses and Academic Articles (eBook)


“Writing Theses and Academic Articles” is directed to graduate students and young academics who are willing to make a contribution in the scientific community. The book is both a practical guide for structuring and editing academic material, and a reflection from the authors about the situation of Muslim scholarship. While for much of its history, Islam has been at the forefront of knowledge, nowadays social, economic and political circumstances seem to hinder many young Muslims from achieving academic excellence. The authors hope that this book will be the first step, theoretical and practical, for helping in the renaissance of Muslim scholarship.



Muhammad Ahsan

Francesca Bocca

Mumtaz Akhter








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